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Upcoming Events

Thursday, December 10, 2009; 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM EST
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Participant Pass Code:
Ruth Ryder
Updates and Reminders for the February 1, 2010 SPR/SPP Submission


Master TA Calendar | Past Events

Purpose of the SPP/APR Calendar

The SPP/APR calendar was designed to assist States with the preparation and timely completion of the State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report. Because a number of data and collecting reporting responsibilities of States are completed at various times throughout the year, developing a calendar based on the four seasons of the year seemed to serve as a useful prompting strategy. Rather than evenly dividing the calendar into quarters of four month periods, it has been developed to reflect key data and reporting cycles of the APR. For example, in the Spring, an important activity that should be underway is the planning and implementation of collecting post-school outcomes for Indicator 14 By aligning each season to key APR events, States will be able to respond accordingly.

What's New and Updates

Data for C5 and C6
Percent of infants and toddlers receiving early intervention services under IDEA, Part C, by age and state: Fall 2008 (Posted 11.17.09)
Getting Better Results through Parent Involvement: 2 States' Examples of Improvement in Indicator B-8
The Data Accountability Center is presenting a webinar featuring its Technical Assistance Consultant, Dr. Batya Elbaum, and the staff of Alaska and New Hampshire Departments of Education.
Optional Part B APR Templates
OSEP recently released documents that can be used by states. Click here for B3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15. (Posted 10.09)
Optional Part C APR Templates
OSEP recently released documents that can be used by states. Click here for C1, C7, C8c, and C9. (Posted 11.09)

Additional Resources

Part B

Part C

Systems Change and Improvement Planning
Tools and resources to assist states in using the SPP and APR as frames of reference in designing a systemic approach to improvement planning. The resources are organized according to the basic steps in systems thinking and improvement planning.

Suggest Changes and Additions

The calendar is constantly being updated. If you have a suggestion of a link or document to be added to the calendar, or you find a change needing to be made, please visit this page for information on how to suggest changes and additions to the SPP/APR Calendar.

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